The ElderCollege Delta Society operates on a two-semester year, roughly following the regular "school" year,
with an annual membership of $15 due July 1st.
All of the instructors are also volunteers, experienced in their respective fields. Typical courses offered are in computers, arts (visual, literary, musical), languages, psychology, science, current affairs, social issues, gardening and much more.
Two semesters are available, starting in the fall (October-November) and continue to the following spring (April-May). With a nominal $15 annual membership fee and modest individual course fees, ElderCollege Delta provides learning opportunities in a social and stimulating environment. Prior to each semester, watch the local papers for information and the libraries for brochures for current courses being offered, and, of course, here on our Website.
Over 600 mature students have enjoyed the benefits of ECD education. We always need volunteers and space to accommodate our many diverse learning opportunities. If you can or wish to contribute, kindly contact us.
Inquiries on courses or other matters can be made via email
or leave a message at 604-943-0262.
You can enroll for classes online and pay with your credit card.
You can also enroll for classes over the phone by emailing us your name and phone number,
or leave a message on our office phone.
Please note that ElderCollege Delta reserves the right to cancel courses which have low registration numbers.
You must be a member of ElderCollege Delta to take a course or attend an Special Presentation or Field Trip. Membership fees are $15 per year and may be purchased along with registration fees. However purchasing your membership prior to registration will simplify the registration process.
Fees are payable by cheque, cash or credit card. Our goal at ElderCollege Delta is to be self-sustaining.
A refund will be issued only if a course is cancelled by ElderCollege Delta or at the discretion of ElderCollege Delta for extenuating circumstances when requested by a student. If a student withdraws or cancels their registration more than 1 week prior to the start date of the course, the Registration fee will be credited to their account and may be applied to another course. If the student wishes to withdraw or cancel their registration anytime after 1 week prior to the start date, no refund or credit will be issued. If for any reason a presenter is unable to attend, we will attempt to provide a suitable substitute. No refunds will be issued if a participant misses any classes.
If you cannot be accommodated because a course is full, you may have your name included on a wait list. You do not have to be an ElderCollege Delta member to be on the wait list, and the registration fee is payable only after confirmation of a place in the course.
It is requested that the use of men & women’s scented products are not worn during ElderCollege Delta courses due to individuals who have allergenic reaction upon contact with these scents.
ElderCollege Delta is pleased to partner with fellow organizations in other geographic areas outside of Delta, BC.
MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE THAT Elder College Delta Society (“ECDS”) does not, and will not, accept on its own behalf, nor on behalf of its Directors, Officers, Servants or Agents, any liability whatsoever for the personal safety, health and wellbeing, including exposure to the COVID, or any other Virus, of any Member or other person who may attend at the premises of ECDS located at the Tsawwassen Town Center Mall, in South Delta, BC, or at any other premises, or on board any vehicle, utilized by ECDS in the normal course of its operations, or in the delivery of services to its Members, it being understood and agreed that any and all such attendances will be at the Member’s own risk and of their own volition.