You can help us grow!
If you would like to give to ElderCollege Delta
Society, but don't have the time to Volunteer, your financial donation is a
huge contribution to our sustainability and continued success.
Since the establishment of ElderCollege Delta in 2003, we have kept the overhead as low as possible. As a not-for-profit Society, as it is for everyone, our expenses are always increasing. It is through the generosity of people like you that helps us maintain very reasonable participation fees. We are grateful for your support. Thank you! Official CRA tax receipts are automatically emailed.
In case you are wondering “Where does the money go?”, here are some examples:
advertising, bank charges, computer hardware/software, honorariums, insurance, legal/accounting, licenses and government fees, office supplies, revenue processing fees (Visa, etc.), website host (Wild Apricot).
BC Society Number: S0069833 CRA Charitable Business Number: 73923 2684 RR0001